Article I. Name
The name of this organization shall be ____________________________
Article II. Purpose
This area should contain a general statement of the purpose of the club.
Also include how you will contribute to CSIHS.
Many clubs have specific goals. If you raise funds for specific
purposes, please indicate what they are. List them after the bullets.
· _______________________________________________
· _______________________________________________
Article III. Membership
-This section should contain any qualifications for membership that the
club or organization has. These qualifications may include G.P.A, training,
Advisor approval, etc. Clubs should be open to all students who meet the
qualifications. No one can be excluded on the basis of race, creed,
orientation, nationality, or gender.
Please attach a list of current members.
Article IV. Officers
This section should explain what the officers are, how they are elected,
length of term, responsibilities, ect. Outline the procedure for recall or
replacement of officers.
Article V. Elections
This section explains how the officers are elected/appointed, when this
occurs, who votes, ect.
Article VI. Meetings
-A suggested quorum of at least 2/3 of the membership is recommended to
be present when voting on club issues. Fifty percent would be sufficient
if this is what you agree on. You might want a larger percentage
when voting on major issues like amending your constitution.
-Indicate where and when the meetings will be held.
Article VI. Amendments
-Explain the amendment procedure for the constitution. What percent of
your members need to be present to approve any change?