Wilson Praises Legislation to Initiate US-India Civilian Nuclear Cooperation

Photo of the U.S. Capitol dome

“Important building block in the development of the strategic partnership”

Congressman Joe Wilson (SC-02) made the following statement on the floor of the U.S. House of Representatives in support of legislation to be introduced today by Chairman Henry Hyde (IL-06) and Ranking Member Tom Lantos (CA-12) regarding the US-India agreement on civilian nuclear cooperation:

"Today, we will witness another important building block in the development of the strategic partnership between the United States and India. By introducing bipartisan legislation to amend the Atomic Energy Act, Congress will initiate the important process of authorizing peaceful nuclear cooperation between two great democracies that share similar values, goals, and hopes for the future.

"While the title of this agreement focuses on nuclear cooperation, the scope of this proposal reaches far beyond nuclear issues. Improved strategic relations with India will promote non-proliferation, increase our energy independence, provide environmental protections, strengthen our national security, and create thousands of new jobs for American workers. As the global economy becomes increasingly competitive and the threat of terrorism endangers all free nations, America faces a historic opportunity with our friend India. Our countries should take advantage of this unique chance to deliver tremendous mutual benefits to both Indian and American families.

"In conclusion, God bless our troops and we will never forget September 11th."