One way you can cite an amendment is by using APA style formatting. APA stands for the American Psychological Association and is used when citing references for academic journals and reports. Below are the items and abbreviations you should use for APA citations when referring to constitutions. These standards must be met for them to read correctly:
When using APA style, you’ll not have to include a reference to a site for sourcing, such as
The year must be included when you’re referring to a constitution that has been repealed or amended. Your year will be added to the end of the citation and will relate to the particular year in which the event took place.
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For example, take Article 1, Section 3, and Clause 1 of the U.S. Constitution as amended by Section 1 of the Seventeenth Amendment. In APA style, it reads as follows: U.S. Const. Art. I, §3, cl. 1, amended 1919.
The citation includes the section of the United States Constitution, which is used to begin with, while also including that the change was made in the year 1919 under the Seventeenth Amendment.
MLA stands for Modern Language Association. When citing amendments, a particular format must be followed. However, it’s a fairly simple process to write using the MLA format. This is what you should include:
When writing your in text citation, you should include a section of the United States Constitution. Turn the document’s name into an abbreviation, such as U.S. Const.
Then shorten either article or amendment to art. or amend, adding the number in Roman numerals and following with a comma. Finish with sec. and the number of the section for the citation.
When citing online references for amendments, there are some key MLA style formatting principles that you must follow. You need to add relevant information about the source.
In the in text citation, you should include either the article or amendment it relates along with the section numbers. In the print version, you would be using a page number, so this is one key difference here.
The format should follow to include all of the information in this order:
When writing the in text citation, less information is required. Here, it should include the title of the page, article number, and section number. For example, it would look something like this: Constitution of the United States, art. 3, sec. 5.