Factsheet - Species at Risk Act: A Phased Approach

When Parliament passes a law, the law rarely comes into force immediately. Usually, the coming into force date is some time in the future. This gives the government time to put all the necessary policies, programs, and regulations in place and to ensure that Canadians understand the law, including their rights and responsibilities. Sometimes, a law comes into force in phases, with different sections of the law taking effect at different times. This is important as it helps to ensure smooth delivery of a new law and more effective policy and program development. Adopting a phased approach also provides the time necessary to carry out the additional consultation and dialogue with those who will be most affected by new legislation. The Species at Risk Act (SARA), which was passed by Parliament on December 12, 2002, is coming into force in three phases.

Phase 1 - March 24, 2003

The first parts of SARA to come into force made changes to other related federal laws that were amended through the legislative process enacting SARA. SARA sections 134 to 136 and 138 to 141 set out the amendments that are made to the Canada Wildlife Act, the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994, and the Wild Animal and Plant Regulation of International and Interprovincial Trade Act. These amendments came into force on
March 24, 2003. Phase 1: sections 1, 134 to 136 and 138 to 141 are in force as of March 24, 2003.

Phase 2 - June 5, 2003

Phase 2: sections 2 to 31, 37 to 56, 62, 65 to 76, 78 to 84, 120 to 133 and 137 are in effect as of June 5, 2003.

Phase 3 - June 1, 2004

The transitional stages for implementing SARA will be complete on June 1, 2004 when the remaining sections come into force. These sections cover the SARA prohibitions, including critical habitat protection, and enforcement of the law.

As of June 1, 2004:

These offences apply to aquatic species and migratory birds covered by the Migratory Birds Convention Act, 1994 wherever they are found and to all listed endangered, threatened or extirpated species on federal lands. (Listed species in the territories, except for aquatic species, migratory birds or species on land under the authority of the competent ministers go through the safety net process described below).

They can also apply to:

Phase 3: sections 32 to 36, 57 to 61, 63, 64, 77, and 85 to 119 are in effect as of June 1, 2004

SARA is being put into effect in phases but, at every step of the way, SARA will work because of cooperation, consultation and the dedication of people committed to the protection of species at risk.