What Is a DBMS?

If you go on a diet and simply want to keep track of your weight, you can probably use a piece of paper and a pencil. If you then want to chart your daily caloric intake, you’ll probably switch to something like a computer spreadsheet. However, if you’re a company that needs to store information about thousands of customers, neither a piece of paper nor an Excel spreadsheet will suffice.

You’ll probably want a more sophisticated application – something that can store your data in a smart way, help you organize it logically, and manage who can access it. In such cases, DBMSs come to the rescue.

What Does DBMS Stand For?

DBMS stands for Database Management System. You may also come across acronyms for similar concepts, such as RDBMS (Relational Database Management System), OODBMS (Object-Oriented DBMS) and ORDBMS (Object-Relational DBMS). Note that the last two are used very rarely.

In layman’s terms, a DBMS is a computer program that can store large amounts of data and process them accordingly. People sometimes use the term database to refer to a DBMS, but technically that’s not a precise name. That’s because a database is simply any collection of data, such as in a text file.

On the other hand, a DBMS is software that interacts with users to process data. The most popular DBMSs include PostgreSQL, Oracle Database, Microsoft SQL Server, MySQL, SQLite, IBM Db2, and others.

You may be tempted to ask, “Isn’t Microsoft Excel a DBMS?”. Not really. Excel may be an excellent application that offers various interesting features for dealing with data. It may also be a great compliment to a DBMS. Compared to a database management system, however, Excel is very limited in terms of managing data.

Question: What is a DBMS?

A database management system (DBMS) is software that allows you to work with a database. It makes it easier to manage and interact with a database's structure and the information it stores. Oracle, MySQL, SQL Server, and PostgreSQL are popular DBMSs.

So, What Does a DBMS Do?

Below, we’ll explain a dozen or so features of a typical modern database management system. You’ll quickly see that Microsoft Excel only offers a few of these features.

First and foremost, a DBMS stores data in tables. Typically, these tables can be connected to one another by relationships. For example, a table that stores order records may have connections to another table that stores customer information. A DBMS that keeps data in tables is called a relational database management system. Relational DBMSs are by far the most common type of database management system. When we talk about a DBMS, most of the time we actually mean a relational database management system, or RDBMS.


In a typical relational DBMS, data is organized in tables. Here, we have two tables, order and customer , with their respective column definitions. The column customer_id in the table order points to the column id in the table customer . This defines the relationship between these tables; it’s based on the customer. You can see the representation of a relationship in the line connecting the two tables.

If you’d like to learn how to create tables in a DBMS, take a look at our interactive course on The Basics of Creating Tables in SQL or read our blog post How to Create a Table in SQL.

A DBMS does a lot of things. It:

Physically Stores Data

A DBMS makes sure that your data is persisted physically in such a way that the information can be retrieved quickly. In the case of a simple DBMS on your computer, the data will be stored locally on your hard drive. In enterprise-level solutions, DBMSs are launched on dedicated server machines and the data is stored on the machines’ hard drives.

Compare this to Excel, which is mostly limited by your computer’s RAM – it can choke on large data chunks pretty quickly! DBMSs get rid of this problem by using sophisticated data persistence techniques and structures.

Processes SQL Instructions

SQL (Structured Query Language) is a popular tool for communicating with DBMSs. It has been around for 50 years and works with all major DBMSs. If you’d like to learn more about SQL, watch our YouTube video What is SQL?

Allows Users to Add, Modify, and Remove Data

An empty database won’t do us any good, so a DBMS allows us to add and manipulate data. This can be usually done in a few ways: via a graphical user interface, with an SQL instruction, etc.

Permits Users to Modify the Database Structure

You should be able to design the structure of your tables and define columns’ names and data types, right? It’s an essential part of organizing information! If you’d like to know more about this, take a look at the interactive courses in our Creating Database Structure track.

Enables Concurrent Data Access

Multiple users may need to access and modify data instantaneously. Have you ever tried to work on an Excel spreadsheet with five other people at the same time? Well, good luck with that! A DBMS makes this process smooth and efficient. Even with multiple people working, your DBMS will also make sure that data integrity is preserved, i.e. your data does not get corrupted.

Manages Constraints

Your DBMS can ensure that users don’t put a name in a column which is supposed to hold a date or that a negative number never goes in an age column. DBMSs also provide transaction mechanisms, which is an extremely important IT concept. Imagine that you need to transfer money from one bank account to another. It’s a simple two-step process: (1) Remove a certain amount from account A, and (2) add it to account B. But what happens when there’s a system failure between steps 1 and 2? A DBMS will make sure that the money is never lost in such a case. You can read more about transactions in this article.

Maintains Internal Structures for Quick Access and Processing

This uses a concept known as indexing (like an index at the end of a book) to quickly find requested information. A DBMS also prepares query execution plans to return your data as efficiently as possible.

Supports Granular User Management

In a DBMS, you can set up thousands of user accounts, each with its own permissions. One user may only be able to see certain tables, while another user can add or modify data.

Offers Backup Capabilities

Data is sometimes lost due to unpredicted failures. A DBMS typically provides sophisticated mechanisms to keep your information intact. It creates backup copies and helps you restore your databases in case something goes wrong.

Supplies Metadata

You’ll be able to see and analyze the types of tables and columns you have, the types of values in your table rows, which pieces of information appear most frequently, and which are redundant.

Ensures Secure Data Access

While Excel typically only offers password-protected spreadsheets, a DBMS provides advanced data encryption mechanisms to make sure your information doesn’t fall into the wrong hands.

A DBMS can also be distributed, which means one database management system is spread across multiple servers. Depending on the situation, this can provide faster data access or enhanced security. You’ll also come across DBMS in the Cloud, which are DBMS services offered online by a Cloud provider.

When Should You Use a DBMS?

A DBMS can be overkill if you want to analyze a simple set of data, such as your weight loss over time. Database Management Systems are typically used for enterprise-level solutions.

These systems helping big companies manage, access, and secure their vast amounts of data. Without a DBMS, handling the sheer volume and complexity of data would be overwhelming. Imagine trying to organize a city's library using just a notepad — that's what managing enterprise data without a DBMS would be like!

For these companies, data isn't just numbers or words; it's critical information that helps them make decisions, understand their customers, and run their operations smoothly. A simple spreadsheet can't handle this level of complexity and volume. That's why a robust DBMS is not just a nice-to-have but a must-have for these organizations. It ensures data is accurate, accessible, and secure – which is vital for any big business in today's data-driven world.

Types of DBMS

We mentioned that a typical (or relational) DBMS stores data in the form of tables. This is a very convenient format, which is why relational database management systems have been the most frequent choice for many years. But there’s more. Here are the most common types of DBMS.

1. Relational DBMS

The Relational DBMS is quite a popular way to organize information into tables. Visualize a well-ordered matrix, akin to a spreadsheet, with data systematically placed in rows and columns. It's especially effective in scenarios demanding a definite arrangement and clear links between data points, much like cataloging a vast array of library books.

According to DB-Engines, the most popular systems are Oracle, MySQL, MS SQL Server and PostgreSQL.


If you want to know more, check out our article The Most Popular Databases in 2023.


Unlike an RDBMS, a NoSQL database doesn't rely on tables and rows. It's more flexible and can handle a variety of data types, making it perfect for big data and real-time web apps. Think of it like a giant, flexible storage room where you can keep all sorts of items without needing them to be the same shape or size.

Need a NoSQL Database solution? Choose from MongoDB, Redis, or Elasticsearch — it all depends on the type of data you're going to store.


This one combines the best of both worlds. They provide the scalability and adaptability inherent in NoSQL, while preserving the structured integrity and consistency characteristic of an RDBMS. Envision an architectural toolkit that allows for the construction of intricate frameworks, yet also affords the flexibility to modify and scale these structures with ease.

4. Object-Oriented DBMS

This type stores data in objects, similar to object-oriented programming. It's like having a personal assistant for each type of data, understanding how it behaves and how it relates to other data. This system is great for complex applications where data interactions are intricate and need to be handled with precision.

5. Cloud DBMS

This type is hosted on a Cloud platform rather than on-premises servers or personal computers. Imagine having all your data stored securely online, where you can access it anytime, anywhere, and without worrying about maintaining physical hardware.

Cloud DBMS offers scalability, flexibility, and often cost savings, as you typically pay only for what you use. It's like renting a storage unit that you can expand or shrink on demand, and you don't have to worry about the upkeep. This makes it an excellent choice for businesses looking to manage their data efficiently and accessibly, especially those with fluctuating demands or those looking to minimize upfront investment in infrastructure. Commonly used cloud services for databases are Microsoft Azure, Google Cloud, and AWS.

Each of these DBMS types serves different needs; choosing the right one depends on what you want to achieve with your data.

Get to Know Your Friendly DBMS!

Now you know, what a DBMS is. You are aware that modern database management systems are complex pieces of software that offer a huge number of features. They are the go-to solution for enterprise-level data storage.

Getting to know at least one popular DBMS can be beneficial in any IT-related job. Learning SQL is a great place to start – and our interactive LearnSQL.com courses can help you with that. Make sure to check them out.

Looking for guidance on how to learn SQL? If you're a beginner or have no prior IT experience, start with SQL Basics. It's the ideal first step on your database journey. If you already have some experience with SQL, consider our Advanced SQL Track or opt for the All Forever Package to access a comprehensive all-in-one solution.

Diving into the world of DBMS is a smart move in today's data-driven environment. Whether you're just starting out or looking to deepen your knowledge, there's a DBMS type and learning path just for you. Embrace the journey, explore the various systems, and discover how they can transform the way you handle data.

Ready to begin? Your database adventure awaits!