Report cards and progress reports

Once you have created your grading structure and set up calculations for secondary schools, you are ready to define report cards and progress reports. For information about creating the grading structure, see

You can create different report cards for different grade levels or have one report card for all grade levels; however, you cannot have more than one report card for each grade level. You need to be sure to cover all grade levels in your school.

You can have a maximum of one report card for each grade level. Once you've assigned a report card to a grade level, that grade level is no longer available for any other report card setup. For example, if your school has grades 9, 10, 11, and 12, you could create a report card and assign it to grade levels 9, 10, and 11 and then create a different report card and assign it to grade 12. When you set up the second report card, you only have the option to select grade 12 because other grade levels have already been assigned a report card.

To define reports cards and progress reports, see:

Single-page report cards and progress reports

If you want report cards or progress reports to print on a single page, do the following:

= • Minimize the additional information printed on report cards and progress reports. For example, do not include signature lines, grading legends, or daily attendance summaries.
= • Do not schedule students into courses from different grading period sets.
= If a student is scheduled into courses from different grading period sets, each grading period set is printed on a separate page of the report card or progress report.
= • For report cards, include only one current-year GPA definition, e.g., one for the current report card grading period.

Report card and progress report performance

To improve system performance when printing report cards and progress reports:

= • Adjust the timeout settings on your report servers. For more information, see Correcting Report Server timeout issues [>>].
= • Run report cards and progress reports in batches by grade level.
= • To avoid having multiple schools generating report cards or progress reports simultaneously and allow you to distribute the load on the servers, consider printing report cards and progress reports centrally at the district office.
= • Before starting a large run of report cards or progress reports, print a test report card or progress report and make sure credits, grades, and GPAs are correct and up-to-date and that the output is as expected. Once a report card or progress report run has started, you cannot cancel it. Even if it is canceled, the report cards or progress reports continue running in the background.
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